Great news!
Property Security Group Limited have launched their fully-insured Demolition Site Guardian Security services, offering portable 4G wireless visual verification PIR-activated cameras with night vision at an affordable weekly rental, including 24hr monitoring, Security Dog Handlers and Security Night Watchmen.
Video verification of threats is especially important for uncontrolled environments like demolition and construction sites, compounds, substations, and most brownfield sites out of working hours. It eliminates costly false alarms and provides a quick response to intruders entering the site.
As soon as the PIR detects movement, alerts are sent, together with a short follow-up video clip of the suspicious activity.
4G wireless systems and scaffolding alarms with 24hr monitoring are essential when no mains power is available, as they are self-powered with solar and/or battery power - and can be deployed rapidly.
Demolition Guardian from Property Security Group is a reliable security solution that detects intruders, arsonists, and vandals quickly, allowing for a prompt response from the authorities and minimising safety risks to individuals on site.With our advanced technology and backed by guarding solutions, you can trust us to keep your property safe and secure.
Sometimes, however, the deterrent and detection value of the monitored cameras is not enough to protect vulnerable, high value or large sites. At that point you need to consider bringing in Security Dog Handlers or Security Night Watchmen to patrol and provide an immediate response to trespassers.
With many years experience in protecting construction sites, vacant property, business parks, storage yards, private airfields and, of course, demolition sites the management team at Demolition Guardian Security (Property Security Group) would be pleased to discuss your demolition site security requirements.
Call Demolition Guardian Security on 0207 112 4997 or email
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